
96831 v.6.0 33
Figure 34
Environment screen. Press the ‘Return‘
icon to go back to the Adjustments’
menu. See Figure 33.
Battery Management
1. To change the sleep setting for the
Banks iQ, press the ‘Battery Mgmt’
button in the ‘Adjustments’ menu. See
Figure 34.
2. Adjust the ‘Display Sleep’ time by
pressing the left or right arrows.
NOTE: If the display turns off, turn it back
on by pressing once anywhere on the
3. Adjust the ‘iQ Sleep’ time by pressing
the ‘Left’ or ‘Right’ arrows. iQ sleep will
begin to count down after the display has
entered into ‘Display Sleep’ mode.
NOTE: ‘iQ Sleep’ will occur after ‘Display
Sleep’ has been activated. To manually
enter or exit ‘Sleep’ mode, press the
MENU button on top of the device.
4. Press the ‘Banks iQ’ icon on the
lower left hand corner to return to the
Environment screen. Press the ‘Return‘
icon to go back to the Adjustments’
Figure 35