
36 96831 v.6.0
Section 17
Press the ‘Wrench’ icon to move to the
‘Adjustments’ menu screen.
Press ‘Gauge Color’, which allows you
to change the color of the gauges in
your display.
1. Scroll Right or Left to view the
spectrum of color choices. Stop when
you see the color you want for your
gauge display. See Figure 38.
2. Use the ‘Day On/Off’ button to
determine if you want the color you’ve
chosen displayed during the day time
Screen Backlight hours you selected in
‘Initial Set-up’. For more information
on Screen Backlight, see Section 14.
3. Use the ‘Night On/Off’ to determine
if you want the color you’ve chosen
displayed during the night time Screen
Backlight hours you selected in ‘Initial
Set-up’. For more information on
Screen Backlight, see Section 14.
4. Press the ‘Banks iQ’ icon to save
and return to the ‘Environment’ screen
or the ‘Return’ icon to return to the
‘Adjustments’ menu.
Figure 38 Gauge Color