User Manual

PortDefault IP AddressSocket
The serial port is the RS-232 connector (Pins 1, 9, and 10) on the Sensor. The deafult settings
for the serial port are listed below.
Default SettingAttribute
115200Baud Rate
8Data Bits
1Stop Bit
NoneFlow Control
3. Format the ASCII string of data (in the Format field).
Choose a Delimiter and Start and End strings.
Check the Enable Labels box to add the names for data being sent.
Allowable ASCII string options are shown below.
Note: Start and End strings can now accept ASCII Hex values, and the following special
characters: "\r", "\n", "\t".
DescriptionValuesOption Name
The delimiter is used to separate
the individual pieces of data being
, <Comma>
: < Colon>
sent. The delimiter will follow every
; <Semicolon> individual segment of data,
including start string and end
\r\n <CR_LF> Carriage return and
then line feed
\n\r <LF-CR> Line feed then
carriage return
\r <CR> Carriage return only
\n <LF> Line feed only
This option is a mechanism for
adding characters before a string
of data.
User-defined ASCII characters
(limit of 75 characters)
Start String
Note: ASCII Hex characters
are allowed. Special symbols
such as \r, \n, and \t will cause
a carriage return, new line,
P/N 000000Banner Engineering Corp. - Minneapolis, MN USA -
Tel: 763.544.3164
7/2009PresencePLUS Software Tools