User Manual

DescriptionValueData Label
The grayscale brightness lower limit. This value ranges from 0 to
whole numberBrightness Lower Limit
The grayscale brightness upper limit. This value ranges from 0 to
whole numberBrightness Upper Limit
Communication Tool Exportable Results: Barcode Tool
DescriptionValueData Label
User-defined namestringTool Name
Tool processing time for the current inspection.msExecution Time
Fastest recorded tool processing time since the start of
the inspection or since power-up.
msExecution Time Min
Slowest recorded tool processing time since the start of
the inspection or since power-up.
msExecution Time Max
Max Time Exceeded
whole numberNumber Found
Coordinates of Barcodes Found
Barcode Type
Symbol Type
whole numberNumber of Barcode Data
Elements Read
Barcode Data Read
Barcode Read Status
2-D Symbol Dimensions
Communication Tool Exportable Results: Bead Tool
DescriptionValueData Label
User-defined namestringTool Name
1 = Tool overall results passed.
2 = Tool overall results failed.
1 or 0Success
Tool processing time for the current inspection.msExecution Time
Fastest recorded tool processing time since the start
of the inspection or since power-up.
msExecution Time Min
Slowest recorded tool processing time since the start
of the inspection or since power-up.
msExecution Time Max
Threshold Used
P/N 000000Banner Engineering Corp. - Minneapolis, MN USA -
Tel: 763.544.3164
7/2009PresencePLUS Software Tools