Safety Information

5.1 Power on the radio
Turning the unit on
To turn the unit on, simply rotate the volume/power knob clockwise until you hear a "click". If your radio powers on
correctly there should be an audible double beep after about one second and the display will show a message or flash the
LCD depending on settings for about one second. Then it will display a frequency or channel. If the Voice prompt is enabled,
the voice will announce "frequency mode" or "channel mode".
Turning the unit off
Turn the volume/power knob counter-clock wise all the way until you hear a "click". The unit is now off.
5.2 Adjusting the volume
To turn up the volume, turn the volume/power knob clock-wise. To turn the volume down, turn the volume/power knob
counter-clock-wise. Be careful not to turn it too far, as you may inadvertently turn your radio off.
5.3 Channel selection
There are two modes of operation: Frequency (VFO) mode, and Channel or Memory (MR) mode.
For everyday use, Channel (MR) mode is going to be a whole lot more practical than Frequency (VFO) mode. However,
Frequency (VFO) mode is very handy for experimentation out in the field. Frequency (VFO) mode is also used for
programming channels into memory.
In Channel (MR) mode you can navigate up and down the channel by using the / keys or the encoder.
Ultimately which mode you end up using will depend entirely on your use case.