Safety Information

Just because you can program in a channel does not mean you're automatically authorized to use that frequency.
Transmitting on frequencies you're not authorized to operate on is illegal, and in most jurisdictions a serious offence.
However, it is legal in most jurisdictions to listen. Contact your local regulatory body for further information on what laws,
rules and regulations apply to your area.
5.6 Channel (MR) mode
The use of Channel (MR) mode is dependent on actually having programmed in some
channels to use.
Once you have channels programmed and ready, you can use the / keys or the
encoder to navigate between channels.
In MR mode, the channel number will be displayed on the right. Among them, GMRS communication (CH1-CH30) allows
transmission and reception. Channels other than CH01-CH30 can only be scanned and received, and transmission is
6.1 Frequency scanning
This function can scan the frequency.
a. In frequency mode, press key for more than 2 seconds. The radio will start scanning the frequency according to the
set frequency step.
b. You can change the scanning direction with the / keys.
c. Press key to stop the scanning.
Note: for Scan mode, see Menu No.19.