User's Manual

Priv Password: configure the Priv password
Trap IP: configure the trap receiver IP
<Apply >: Press “Apply” button after configuration, and follow the reboot instruction
when applicable.
<Cancel>: Press button to abort action.
For more information about SNMP V3, you can find it on USB token. \User
Manual\WiPG-2000S_SNMP Instructions.pdf
10.9 OSD Setup
1) Click on “OSD Setup” option, you can:
Change Standby Image
<Reset to default>: Restore to default Logo image.
<Image File Upload>: Enter or browse the file name and upload the
customized Image. Please refer to remark on screen when select the file.
You can also adjust the following “Display Option”
Device Information: Show or Hide the device Info.
User List: Show or hide the User List.
Connection Info: Show or hide the overlay connection info.
Font Color: Adjust the font color of system information
Screen Saver Settings: Enable or disable the screen saver and also
configure the idle time(Minutes). (default is 5 mins)