User's Manual

Encore Presentation System • User’s Guide • Rev 04 409
Router Interface Notes
For selected third party routers, additional interface information is provided below. The
following topics are discussed in this section:
Extron Router Support
DVILink and DPI Router Support
Sierra Video Systems Router Support
Leitch Router Support
FSR Router Support
AutoPatch Router Support
Encore supports Extron routers enabled with Ethernet.
In the Router Specification Menu, set the Communication Type to ETHERNET.
In the Ethernet Setup Menu, dial in the router’s IP address, and keep the port
number set to
Press {TEST COMM} to establish communications.
Due to the Extron protocol, the router’s matrix size will not be read by the Controller, but will
instead default to 32 x 23. When you return from the
Ethernet Setup Menu to the Router
Specification Menu
, dial in the proper number of inputs and outputs to gain full access to
the router.
Encore supports the DVILink and DPI 18x18 routers enabled with serial control. Connect
to the
EXT COMM port on the back of the Controller. In Appendix A, refer to the “Serial
Connector” section on page 373 for pinouts.
Encore supports Sierra Video Systems routers enabled with serial control. Connect the
router to the
EXT COMM port on the back of the Controller. In Appendix A, refer to the
Serial Connector” section on page 373 for pinouts.
Ethernet connection to Leitch touters is supported. When the Encore Controller connects
to a Leitch Router via Ethernet, a Telnet session is established between the Controller and
the Router. As part of establishing this connection, the router requires a
User Name and
Ensure that you set the router’s IP address to work within the
recommended range for non-Barco routers: -
. This range does not conflict with the
Controller, VPs or other network routers and devices.