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The Fault alarm takes precedence over the Alarm (High) or Alarm (Low) message. If the Sensor
is failed high or low the Alarm (High) or Alarm (Low) alarms will also be activated but only the Fault
alarm will be displayed because this is the actual condition causing the other alarms.
These are all self-clearing alarms and will reset themselves when the alarm condition no longer
exists. This is a medium priority alarm. #1 BLOWER ALARM
The Blower Fail alarm item will show one of two different alarm messages. A "No Alarm"
message indicates that the blower airflow sensor contacts have closed and the blower is functioning
normally. A Fault alarm message indicates that the blower airflow sensor contacts have not closed. A
faulty blower motor, wheel or sensor could cause this alarm.
This alarm must be cleared before operation of the blower can resume. Use the Clr Verify Alr
action in the Override menu to clear the alarm. This is a critical alarm. #1 COMPRESSOR ALARM
The Compressor Alarm item will show one of two different alarm messages. "No Alarm"
message indicates that the compressor verify circuit contacts have closed and the compressor is
functioning normally. A Fault alarm message indicates that the compressor verify circuit contacts have
not closed. A Trip on High or Low pressure, no compressor current, failed blower, or faulty compressor
current sensor could cause this alarm.
This alarm must be cleared before operation of the compressor can resume. Use the Clr Verify
Alr action in the Override menu to clear the alarm. This is a critical alarm. #1 FILTER ALARM
The Filter alarm item will show one of two different alarm messages. "No Alarm" message
indicates that the filter is clean enough to operate. A Fault alarm message indicates that the filter is dirty
and needs replaced.
This is a self-clearing alarm and will reset itself when the alarm condition no longer exists. The
filter sensor is a manually reset device and must be reset once the filter is changed to clear the alarm
condition. This is a low priority alarm. UTILITY POWER FAIL
The Utility Power Fail alarm item will show one of two different alarm messages. A "None"
alarm message indicates that no alarm is present and that utility power is present at the site. A "Fault"
alarm message indicates that an alarm is present and the system is operating on backup power. This
feature will operate only if the TCS22 is connected to an uninterruptible power supply.
This is a self-clearing alarm and will reset itself when the alarm condition no longer exists. This
is a critical priority alarm.