User's Manual

nook User Guide Library 99
5 Tap Unarchive.
Showing and Hiding Archived Items
When you browse the My B&N Library section of your library, you can:
Show archived items: Show content that is on your
NOOK and in your online digital library,
as well as content that is only in your online digital library.
Hide archived items: Only show content that is both on your
NOOK and in your online
digital library.
Show archived items and Hide archived items are menu choices in the My B&N Library section of
your library.
To show archived items:
1 On the Home menu, tap my library.
2 If you are viewing My Documents, tap View My B&N Library.
3 If one of the menus reads Hide archived items, then archived items are already shown.
4 Tap Show archived items.
To hide archived items:
1 On the Home menu, tap my library.
2 If you are viewing My Documents, tap View My B&N Library.
3 If one of the menus reads Show archived items, then archived items are already hidden.
4 Tap Hide archived items.
Managing Subscriptions
You can purchase subscriptions to magazines and newspapers, as well as single issues. For more
information, see “Magazines and Newspapers” on page 73.
Note the following about managing subscriptions:
You can purchase a subscription to a magazine or newspaper on your
NOOK (in the Shop) or
on the website.
Subscriptions are not visible in the library. Only issues delivered by subscription are (and any
issues purchased as single issues).