User's Manual

Barnes & Noble NOOKcolor User Guide 33
Looking Up Words in Dictionaries, Wikipedia, and Other Reference Materials
Its easy to look up information about a word or topic when youre reading.
Looking Up a Word in the Dictionary
Your NOOKcolor includes the Merriam-Webster® Collegiate® Dictionary.
To look up a word in the dictionary, do this:
1. Double-tap (tap twice quickly) or press and hold on a word to select it.
2. Double-tap on the word again to see the word’s definition pop-up in a window. To close the window, tap
anywhere outside the window.
Looking Up Information in Wikipedia or Google
To look up a word in Wikipedia or Google, do this:
1. Double-tap on the word to select it.
2. Double-tap on the word again to open a dictionary definition.
3. Tap on the reference you would like to use: Wikipedia or Google.
4. Your NOOKcolor opens a Web browser and searches on the term you selected.
NOTE: NOOKcolor uses the mobile version of Wikipedia, which is designed to make text easy to read on
mobile devices. The mobile version of Wikipedia uses large fonts. Its also collapses sections to just their
title and an a button labeled Show. To reading a section, tap Show and that section will expand. You can
switch to the standard Web version of the Wikipedia by scrolling to the bottom of a Wikipedia mobile
Web page and tapping on the link labeled View this page on regular Wikipedia.
For more information about using the Web browser on your NOOKcolor, see page page 56.
Using Notes
Writing a Note
Just as you might write a note in the margins of a printed book, you can make notes about specific passages in a book
on your NOOKcolor.
To write a note, do this:
1. Pinch or pinch and drag to highlight the text you want to make a note about.
Once you’ve highlighted text, a menu appears.
2. Tap the Note icon in the pop-up menu.
A Note window appears with a keyboard for typing notes.
3. Type the text of the note.
4. Tap on the colored note icon to select the color of the Note indicator: blue, yellow, or green.
5. Tap the Post button to close the editing window and post the Note.
The Note window with the keyboard disappears. In your eBook, an icon now appears in the margin, indicat-
ing that theres a note about this passage.