User's Manual

64 Barnes & Noble NOOK User Guide
Searching Your NOOK
Your NOOK includes a search tool to help you quickly find what you’re looking for.
To access the search tool, tap the white Quick Nav Arrow in the status bar, then tap the Search icon in the Quick
Nav Bar.
To provide you with the most relevant results possible, the Search customizes its searching according to what you
were doing when you started the search.
Searching in Your Library
If you search while youre in your Library, the Search tool initially limits its search to your Library. The Search tool
• Author
• Title
• Subject
If it doesn’t find any results, it then automatically searches the Store, because it assumes that if you’re searching the
Library, you’re looking for a book, magazine, or newspaper.
Searching from the Home Screen and Other Locations
When invoked from the Home Screen, the Search tool searches:
• Library
• Shop
• Web browser history
• Web
• Wikipedia
When the Search tool displays a list of results, tap on any result to see more information about it.
Searching for Words with Accents and Other Diacritical Marks
To type a word that contains accents or diacritical marks (such as a French cedilla ç), do this:
1. Press and hold on the letter you want to select a diacritical mark for.
A pop-up window appears, oering additional keyboard buttons for diacritical marks.
2. Tap on the letter-mark combination you want.
The pop-up window disappears, and the letter you selected appears in the text field where you were typing.