User's Manual

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92 Barnes & Noble NOOK User Guide
Updating the Software on Your NOOK
From time to time Barnes & Noble will release software updates for your NOOK. Your NOOK will automatically
install these updates.
NOTE: Updating software does not delete any of your books, magazines, or newspapers, nor does it delete any
of the files you have transferred onto your NOOK from your personal computer. The software update
simply installs new NOOK software to give you the latest features available from Barnes & Noble. Your
NOOK remains registered to your Barnes & Noble account, and all your reading material remains ac-
Installing a Software Update over a Wireless Network
When a new software update is available, your NOOK will download it and install it sometime over the course of a
couple of weeks after Barnes & Noble releases the update, and while your registered NOOK device is idle and con-
nected to a Wi-Fi hotspot. There is nothing else that you need to do to receive these automatic software updates.
A small NOOK symbol will appear in the far left corner of the Status Bar when a new software release is available.
Tap on the NOOK symbol to learn details about the release.
Software installations take only a few minutes. Updating your software doesn’t aect the contents of your Library
or the titles listed in your Keep Reading list. Once the software installation is complete, you can continue reading or
shopping or doing whatever else you were doing before the new software was installed.
Discovering the Version Number of Your NOOK Software
To discover which software release your NOOK is running, do this:
1. Tap gear icon in the Status Bar to open the Quick Settings window.
2. Tap the All Settings button.
3. Tap Device Info.
4. Tap About Your NOOK.
You’ll see a screen listing configuration information, including the software version of your NOOK.
Sideloading a Software Update on Your NOOK
When a new software update becomes available, you have the option of downloading it from to your com-
puter at any time and copying it to your NOOK GlowLight using the microUSB cable for your NOOK.
To sideload a software update from your personal computer to your NOOK, do this:
1. On your personal computer, download the software update file from the Web site, and save the file to
your computer.
Do not modify or change the downloaded file’s name in any way. Do not open the *.ZIP file.
NOTE: Some Web browsers automatically open .ZIP files. To ensure that the ZIP file is not opened, be sure to
download it using a Web browser (such as Safari) that does not automatically open .ZIP files.
2. Open the Device Info settings screen and make sure your NOOK battery charge is at 20% or more.
To open the Device Info screen, tap the gear icon in the Status Bar, tap the All Settings button, and tap the Device
Info menu choice.