User's Manual Part 2

Plot–Assisted Setups
RVP8 Users Manual
April 2003
4.2 P+ — Plot Test Pattern
The RVP8 can produce a simple test pattern that is useful when the oscilloscope is attached for
the first time. From the TTY monitor enter the “P+” command. This will print the message
Plotting Test Pattern...” on the TTY and then produce the plot shown in Figure 4–1. This
display is actually an overlay of six different strokes: 1) bottom line, 2) middle line, 3) top line,
4) line sloping up, 5) line sloping down, and 6) the sine wave pattern. The later changes phase
with each plot so that, with a little imagination, it appears to be radiating from the left side of the
Figure 4–1: Oscilloscope Display of Test Pattern
Verify that the test pattern is stable, and adjust the vertical gain so that the top and bottom lines
are exactly the full height of the oscilloscope screen. At the same time, adjust the horizontal and
vertical offsets so that the image is exactly centered. When you are satisfied that the plot is
being drawn correctly, type “Q” or ESC to return to the TTY monitor.