Operation and Maintenance Manual

RDACS Userโ€™s Guide
August 2000
This variable defines the type of interface to the radar transmitter and status. There are
three types of interfaces: (1) an ISA bus I/O card, (2) a PCI bus I/O card model PCI-
7250, or (3) the RRC1 interface board integrated in the transmitter (serial interface).
๎šˆ To select (1), the ISA bus I/O card, enter the port address. For example,
enter DIOPort=0x260.
๎šˆ To select (2), the PCI bus I/O card, use DIOPort=PCI7250.
๎šˆ To select (3), the RRC1 interface, use 1, 2, 3, or 4 to select the COM1,
COM2, COM3, or COM4 serial port interface.
A value of 0 can also be used. In this case, there will be no transmitter control (the
transmitter can be operated in local mode and the status will be ignored).
AntennaMoveTimeout [Startup]
Value Type: Integer.
Range/Units: Timeout; enter 0 to disable or enter number of seconds.
Default Value: 300.
Change Dynamically? No, RDACS must be stopped.
If this variable is not 0, this variable specifies the timeout for taking action if antenna
motion is not detected. Typically, the action is to stop radiating. The actual scan program
that executes when the timeout occurs is specified in the RadPgmAntennaStuck