Operation and Maintenance Manual

RDACS User’s Guide
August 2000
SkipM [RadPgmN]
Value Type: Real.
Range/Units: Skip zone range, in kilometers.
Default Value: 1.61.
Change Dynamically? Yes (use RDACS Config Control commands).
This variable specifies a skip zone. Data near the radar will be blanked. This can be
used to not show strong clutter areas adjacent to the radar site. Set to 0 for no skip
DurationM [RadPgmN]
Value Type: Integer or hexadecimal integer.
Range/Units: Time in seconds or loop count.
Default Value: 0.
Change Dynamically? Yes (use RDACS Config Control commands).
This variable can be used two ways: (1) as a counter or (2) as a timer. To use as a
counter, add 32768 (0x8000) to the value. This determines how long a step will execute
before moving to the next step of the scan program (or to return to the first step if the
current step is the last). A value of 0 means forever and 0 is normally used in single-step
scan programs.
The meaning of the loop count depends on the antenna mode defined in AntOpM. If
AntOpM is 0 (point), loop count mode should not be used. For 1 (PPI), each count is
one-fourth of a revolution. For example, a value of 4 gives one revolution before
proceeding to the next step. For 2 or 3 (azimuth and elevation sector scans), each
traversal of the scan region in either direction is one count.