Operation and Maintenance Manual

RDACS User’s Guide
August 2000
This variable sets the calibration reflectivity, which is referenced to 1.0 km. Changes in
this variable result in a one-to-one change in the output reflectivity data levels. For
example, if the reflectivity level tables specify 5 dBZ levels, a 5 dB change in this will be
reflected as a shift of one level.
AGCNumPulses [ModeN]
Value Type: Integer.
Range/Units: 1 to 255.
Default Value: 8.
Change Dynamically? Yes.
RVP7 User’s Guide Reference: SOPRM command, Input 9, Bits 0-7.
This variable specifies the number of AGC pulses averaged.
TopMode [ModeN]
Value Type: Integer.
Range/Units: 0 to 2.
Default Value: 0.
Change Dynamically? Yes.
R VP7 User‘s Guide Reference: SQPRM command, Input 9, Bits 8-11.
This variable specifies the signal processing mode used by the RVP7: 0 = pulse pair
processing, 1 FFT processing, and 2 random phase processing.