Operation and Maintenance Manual

RDACS User’s Guide
August 2000
ThCtIVeI [ModeN]
Value Type: integer or hexadecimal integer.
Range/Units: Bit pattern (16 bits).
Default Value: 0xC0C0.
Change Dynamically? Yes.
RVP7 User’s Guide Reference: SOPRM command, Input 13.
This variable specifies the threshold control for velocity. See ThCtlUncorr for the
meaning of this value.
ThCtlWidth [ModeN]
Value Type: Integer or hexadecimal integer.
Range/Units: Bit pattern (16 bits).
Default Value: 0xC000.
Change Dynamically? Yes.
RVP7 User’s Guide Reference: SOPRM command, Input 14.
This variable specifies threshold control for width. See ThCtlUncorr for the meaning of
this value.
InvTagHigh [ModeN]
Value Type: Integer or hexadecimal integer.
Range/Units: Bit pattern (16 bits).
Default Value: 0.
Change Dynamically? Yes.
RVP7 User’s Guide Reference: SOPRM command, Inputs 15 and 16.