Operation and Maintenance Manual

received and attempts to arrive at the point and velocity expected according to
the extrapolated trajectory. This mode is entered after 3 points have been sent
with the two time intervals between them less than the maximum update-time.
As long as the update time varies by less than 10%, the trajectory
extrapolation is based on the assumption that the intended time interval was
constant. If the time interval between points is more than this, the positioner
begins to decelerate to zero velocity.
4.1.3 Home
Positioner moves to the home point (HMx) parameter specified for the axis
and comes to rest there. The amplifier continues to supply current to hold the
positioner at that point against external forces.
Home mode acts like a single point command, but using the HMx parameter
to determine the target point instead of the PTx parameter.
4.1.4 Slew
Positioner moves at the constant velocity last commanded with a slew velocity
(SVx) command. If no slew velocity command has been sent since the
controller was turned on, the slew velocity is zero.
4.1.5 Calibrate
This function is required because the position measurement is based on
incremental encoders. It finds the mechanical zero point of the positioner and
resets the angle displays accordingly. First, the positioner moves towards the
clockwise limit switch at the go-to-limit velocity until one of three events
1) The clockwise limit switch is tripped
2) The zero indicating pulse is detected
3) The maximum clockwise calibration distance is
In cases 2 and 3, if required, the positioner moves clockwise an additional
distance to be sure that it will accelerate to the calibrate velocity before it
reaches the zero-indicating pulse.