Operation and Maintenance Manual

be exercised since the additional moment load on the antenna from
wind force may be enough to exceed the maximum load rating.
b. Inertia loading must also be considered since, during both
acceleration and deceleration, the torque load on the drive train
mechanism increases. Inertia overload causes slow starting and
commensurate increase in motor current to compensate for the
excessive drive torque required. Faltering, vibration, and exceeding
of the torque rating on deceleration may all result from inertia
overload, causing excessive gear wear and possible tooth breakage.
To avoid damage to the Positioner drive train from inertial overload,
it is vital to apply speed changes slowly whenever an overload is
suspected. This is because inertial torque effects are proportional
to the square of the turntable speed.
2.4 Operation Instructions
Prior to any operation of the Positioner, make sure that no person
or equipment is inside the Positioner rotation area.
a. Set the "SAFE/OPERATE" switch to "OPERATE" position.
b. Set Power Switch on the Controller to the "ON" position - "ON" lamp
will illuminate. The positioner will perform a self-test by slewing in
both azimuth and elevation.
c. Upon completion of the self-test, choose between "LOCAL" operation
(operation by means of the Controller) or "REMOTE" operation
(operation by means of the Computer) by setting the Controller to the
desired mode of operation, using the LOCAL/REMOTE switch. The
Positioner and System are now ready to operate.