User's Guide

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FasTrac Millennium User’s Guide – May 2003
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3.5.10 Toggling High-Definition Data Processing
The High Definition Data Processing (HDDP) feature creates clearer NEXRAD displays than
those available with the normal pixilated display. The HDDP display is generated in real time
without loss of accuracy as shown in the following comparison:
Normal, Pixilated Display
HDDP Display
To enable high-definition processing, select Radar > High Definition. A check mark next to
High Definition option means that the HDDP feature is active.
To enable dithering of high definition radar colors, select Radar > Dither. A check mark next to
Dither means that the Dither feature is active.
It is best to have HDDP enabled at all times. Disable it only if you wish to look at unprocessed
radar data.
3.5.11 Displaying NEXRAD forecast data
The optional FutureScan module forecasts and displays up to thirty minutes of projected
NEXRAD radar data. Although very complicated processes and calculations are involved in
producing a forecast, it is all done for you. All you must do is select a compatible site and
product and then use the FutureScan menu to create your forecast.
FutureScan is inoperable when the radar is in Clear Air mode.
Using FutureScan
1. Open the NEXRAD Main panel.
2. Select a site to display.
3. Select Max Reflectivity.
4. Select Tools-2 > FutureScan to open the FutureScan menu.
5. Specify the Span number. FutureScan creates one frame for each 5-minute span into the
future. Span should be a multiple of 5 and not exceed 30.
Click the FutureScan button, and frames will appear on the screen. Use the forward (>) button to
scroll forward through the sequence, and the back (<) button to scroll backward.