Instruction Manual

Movable Cutting Table Does Not Move Correctly
Check that the Guide Bar is
clean - clean if dirty.
Check the Movable Cutting
table Roller Wheels for wear,
replace if necessary.
Blade Stops Turning
Allow motor to cool and
depress motor Overload
Reset Switch.
Verify all plugs fully
installed. Check Ground
Fault Circuit Interrupter.
Verify circuit breaker at least 20 amps - if not, move to 20-amp circuit.
Verify circuit breaker not tripped. If tripped, reset once.
Check power source voltage is 120V - if not 120V, move to another circuit.
Blade will not cut properly
Check for smoothness
or "Glazing" (See Blade
Dressing Section)
Check for proper blade rota-
tion. Ensure arrow engraved on
blade matches the directional
arrow on Blade Guard.
Ensure the Blade Core is not
bent. Verify the blade is correct
for the material being used.