User's Manual Part 1

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Station ID ranges
4 and six digit networks are all accommodated in the PRC-2090 standard
Selcall system
Station ID range from 000000 to 999999 inclusive (the destination ID must be
either 4 or 6 digits long)
Calling groups
In four digit format
All call A station sending X000 will be received by stations X000 - X999
(up to 890 stations*)
Group call A station sending XX00 will be received by stations XX00 - XX99
(up to 89 stations*)
Sub-group call A station sending XXX0 will be received by stations XXX0 - XXX9
(up to 9 stations*)
In six digit format
All call A station sending XXX000 will be received by stations XXX000 -
XXX999 (up to 890 stations*)
Group call A station sending XXXX00 will be received by stations XXXX00 -
XXXX99 (up to 89 stations*)
Sub-group call A station sending 0 will be received by stations 0 - 9
(up to 9 stations*)
* If using the group call system, stations cannot be programmed to have self IDs
with last digits 000,00,0 as if you tried to call them a group call would occur.
Note:- All call, group call or sub-group call must be enabled, during programming,
on a destination station for group calling to operate.