User's Manual Part 1

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Menu Functions
The menu is divided into two sections, the “Standard Menu” and the “Protected
Menu”. Both sections are used to set or display transceiver parameters. The
“Standard Menu” is available directly to operators as no critical operation
parameters can be changed in this section.
The “Protected Menu” has some critical parameters and needs the operator to
press the menu key for two seconds to enter it.
Note:- Menu items in both menus can be barred from use, if operationally required,
by using Barrett 2050 PC based programming software.
Navigating the Menus
All sections of the Menus are operated using the similar key press sequences. In
this section when describing the functions available in the Menu system it is
assumed the operator is familiar with the following:-
press the key to enter the “Standard Menu” section
press the key for more than 2 seconds to enter the
“Protected Menu” section
use the Scroll keys to select the menu item you require.
then press key
Once in the menu item, again use the Scroll keys to select a
parameter or enter a value using the numeric or alpha key.
When you have the parameter or value required press the
Note:- Due to network operation requirements access to items in the Standard
Menu or Protected Menu may be barred by network administrators during