Instructions / Assembly

There are several causes for power failure. The
most common is a power outage by your electric
company. During this emergency, the Basement
Watchdog system will automatically switch to
battery power and protect your basement from
For your convenience, the “Power” alarm has a
built-in memory that will notify you when a
power outage has occurred, and the power has
since been restored. The alarm will turn off
when the power is restored, but the “Power
failure” light will flash (like your clocks). The
flashing light will continue until the YELLOW
button on the front of the control panel is
pressed for 1 second.
You can silence the “Power” alarm for 24 hours
by pressing the YELLOW button for 5 seconds.
The alarm will be silence, but the light will stay
on. The system will continue to operate while
the power alarm is silenced. After 24 hours, the
alarm will reset automatically.
1. If the power is on in the rest of the house,
check the home circuit breaker or fuse box for
failure, and correct the problem.
2. Check the charger. Make sure it is securely
plugged into the wall outlet. Make sure the
power outlet is working.
3. Check the charger plug that fits into the rear
panel of the control unit. Make sure it is
securely plugged into the control unit.
The control unit must receive 115 volts AC +/-
5% from the AC outlet. Any voltage lower than
110 volts will activate the power failure alarm.
Lower voltages can be caused by utility company
brown outs or a heavy power draw from other
appliances on the same circuit. Reduce the
number of appliances on the circuit.
If all the connections are secure and the wall
outlet is operating, but the “Power” warning
light is still on, replace the charger unit with the
Basement Watchdog part number 1015001 from
Glentronics at 800-991-0466, option #3.
The Basement Watchdog Special is equipped
with a computer-controlled automatic charging
system. The computer is constantly monitoring
the battery and will supply a pre-programmed
amount of energy to keep your battery at full
charge. The “Charging” light will be on while the
battery is charging, and off when it is not
charging. The normal charge cycle is in one-
hour increments, which increases the life of the
battery and reduces the amount of water loss. If
the battery is discharged from extended use, the
charger light will remain on until the battery is
completely recharged.
System Operating
This light will always be on when there is power
coming from either the battery or the outlet.
To test the pump, press the YELLOW button for 1
second. The pump will run for 25 seconds and
then shut off automatically.
To silence an alarm, press the YELLOW button for
one (1) second. Some alarms cannot be
silenced, since action needs to be taken to
prevent a flood.
To silence all the alarms for 24 hours, press the
YELLOW button for 5 seconds until you hear a
buzz. The alarms will automatically re-activate
in 24 hours.
It is important to manually test the float
switch periodically or after any maintenance.
Unplug the main AC pump when installing or
servicing the backup pump to avoid electric
shock. Failure to do so could cause serious
injury or death. Review the safety
instructions on page 1.
Lift the float up and let go. This will activate
the pump. While the pump is active, water will
come out of the 1/8” hole that was drilled into
the PVC discharge pipe. This is normal. The hole
is needed to prevent an air lock within the
system. DO NOT obstruct the hole or an air lock
may prevent the system from operating. The
control unit will run the pump for approximately
25 seconds so it can empty all the water in the
sump pit. If there is no water in the pit, the
pump can run dry for this amount of time. The
alarm will sound and the “Pump” light will go
on. After the pump has stopped, push the
YELLOW button to silence the alarm. BE SURE
The Basement Watchdog Special can be
connected to a home security system or other
alarm devices to alert you to a problem or
required maintenance.
The terminal is located on the front of the
control unit. There are three (3) positions for
wire connections on the terminal: N.O.
normally open, N.C. - normally closed, and
Check your security system to determine whether
an open (no contact) or closed (making contact)
connection is needed to activate the alarm.
The security system will provide two connection
terminals. You will need to extend wires from
the security system to the Basement Watchdog
control unit. Strip the two wires, ¼” each.
Connect either wire to the common terminal. To
secure the wire into the terminal, insert the
exposed wire into the hole on the back of the
terminal next to the screw marked common.
Turn the screw a few turns to lock-in the wire.
If the security system requires a closing of a
contact to activate the alarm, secure the other
wire in the terminal hole labeled N.O. (normally
open). If the security system requires an
opening of a contact, secure the wire in the
terminal hole labeled N.C. (normally closed).
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