Operating Manual

Manual R600V.DAH5 Multi-object (EN)
Page 26 of 36 R600V.DAH5_multiobject_manual_1.1 (EN).docm
Last Update: 01 Jan 2021
Sensor Configuration
A number of sensor parameters can be read and written over the CAN bus using the J1939
memory access (MA) protocol.
User level for access = 1
Key for access is equal to the speed generated by the device.
All addresses are direct spatial (is pointer)
The access is similar to the SPN space. Each parameter has an individual size.
The tool shall issue a read or write command with a memory length of 1 (one).
In its “proceed” reply, the device returns the actual number of bytes to be used for the trans-
3.5.1. Tool ISO name acceptance criteria
The sensor accepts MA sessions from any tool that fulfils all of the following criteria:
- ISO name Function field = 129
- ISO name Industry group field = 0