Operating Manual

Manual R600V.DAH5 Multi-object (EN)
R600V.DAH5_multiobject_manual_1.1 (EN).docm Page 5 of 36
Last Update: 01 Jan 2021
Radar Sensor(R600V.DAH5-11205779) is recommended. The 122GHz band can be used
in many different applications. The original equipment manufacturer or system integrator must
observe local restrictions regarding the usage and/or placing in the market of this product.
The sensor may be integrated into vehicles with 12VDC and 24VDC vehicle power supplies,
and provides a CAN SAE J1939 interface with a set speed of 250kbit/sec (may be changed
to 500kbit/sec). The output rate defaults to 50ms, but may be varied between 10ms and
1000ms. High visibility LEDs displays the sensor status, even in bright ambient light.
1.3.2. Audience
This manual is intended for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), or system integrators;
but not the end-users of equipment. It is the responsibility of the OEM / system integrator to
provide a user manual where relevant information from this manual is passed on, if it either
directly affects the safety or indirectly as discovered during a safety assessment of the con-
sequences of this product’s integration. The Baumer “Off-highway Mult-object Radar Sensors
are not intended for safety applications and potentially explosive atmospheres. The OEM or
system integrator must ensure the safety of the equipment on which this product is used.
The manual is written based on current information. Baumer reserves the right to update prod-
ucts, documentation and its manuals if better information becomes available.
1.3.3. Application Policy
Baumer products are applicable to a wide range of applications and / or end-use cases.
Baumer cannot know all possible conditions under which products are installed, used, and
operated. Every application and / or use-case is unique. The suitability and functionality of a
Baumer product and its performance under different applications and / or end-use cases can
only be verified by testing, and shall ultimately be the responsibility of the Baumer customer
using a Baumer product. When the product configuration (software version, electronics revi-
sions, mechanical revisions, etc.) is changed the customer needs to validate and verify the
Baumer product to ensure the proper function in the application and / or end-use case.
This product must not be used in safety applications and in poten-
tially explosive atmospheres.
For highly structured surfaces (rough terrain, stubble, etc.) Baumer recom-
mends the usage of “ground & crop radar sensor” family (R600V.DAE0-
11209335, R600V.DAE0-11188367)
For flat and unstructured surfaces (e.g. asphalt, concrete) the usage of the
Off-Highway Distance Radar Sensor” (R600V.DAH5-11205779) is recom-