bavarianDEMON AXON Manual V1.5

The automatic coll.pitch action of the rescue feature overrides the coll.pitch stick commands more and more with increasing gain
setting on the Horizon channel. A signal of -100% (according to DIAGNOSE menu) completely overrides the coll.pitch stick, which is
the highly recommended setup. Furthermore, the rescue mode should be triggered only by a spring loaded momentum switch, so that
the pilot re-gains full control by releasing the switch.
The described rescue options provide an extremely high reliability, even during extreme 3D and acro maneuvers, based on following our
rules for setup and handling.
We see this feature as a highly efcient rescue option, as well as a training aid for new maneuvers.
However, we warn against taking any uncalculated risks, particularily against activating the rescue modes for test ying without sufcient
safety altitude, unless in a real emergency situation. Likewise, nobody would use an emergency-only parachute for regular skydiving. As with
any complex system, even in model ight, unpredictable inuences have to be accounted for at any moment.
Also, naturally, please note that the self-leveling cannot perform a stop from high speed. The heli may climb sidewards in a slightly tilted way.