Owner`s manual

change certain fields to have specific values. The
field should be "Int14". The
field should be "None". The
Connection started by:
field should be "Carrier Detect". The
ended by:
should be "Carrier Detect". You may
program the
Data rate:
field to be any value other
than "Max" or "115200". The typical value for this
field is "9600". The data rate selected has no effect
on the speed of communications but must be set in
order to maintain compatibility with BIOS.
3c. Type <ESC> and a prompt will appear asking you if
you wish to save the changes permanently. Type "Y"
in response to this prompt.
4. Assigning a Workstation ID: One or more local workstations
must be assigned a Workstation ID in order to perform dial-
in communication. The Workstation ID is a character string
that a remote user must enter in response to the Prompt
String (see Step 2b) in order to establish a virtual connection
with the local workstation. The Workstation ID may be
programmed to be any character string up to 46 characters.
The following characters are not valid: a space ( ), forward
slash (/), semicolon (;), colon (:), plus symbol (+), minus
symbol (-), back slash (\), asterisk (*), and comma (,). The
workstation ID may be programmed from a DOS prompt
(Step 4a), from within your network communication software
(Step 4b), or by using the DIAL.EXE program (Step 4c).
You must load the MSHELL program before
assigning a Workstation ID to a local workstation (see Page
71, Steps 2 and 3).