User's Manual

WIGO800I Instructions
19 / 26
Phone Settings
Ring Option
[Hint] Menu Î Phone Settings Î Ring Option Î Ring Types / Ring Tones
/ Ring Volume
In Ring Option menu, you can set your personal like for Ring Types, Ring
Tones, or Ring Volume.
1 In Ring Types, there are 5 choices for you -- Ring, Ring once, Silent,
Vibrate, or Ring&Vibrate. Scroll to the type you desire, press Select, it
will be saved and return to previous page.
2 In Ring Tones, there are 3 default choices for you, scroll to the desired
ring tone and press Select to save.
3 In Ring Volume, you can set the volume with 5 levels choices. Scroll to
the desired volume and press Select to save.
[Tip] You can use navigation pad to adjust the volume while IT TV, IP
Radio performing, or during an online phone call.