Technical data

Installing the Apache HTTP Server Plug-In
Administration Guide 11-7
3. You install the Apache HTTP Server Plug-In with a support program called apxs
(APache eXtenSion) that builds DSO-based modules outside of the Apache
source tree, and adds the following line to the
httpd.conf file:
AddModule mod_so.c
4. In your WebLogic Server installation, use a command shell to navigate to the
directory that contains the shared object for your platform and activate the
weblogic_module by issuing this command (note that you must have Perl
installed to run this Perl script):
perl APACHE_HOME\bin\apxs -i -a -n weblogic
This command copies the file to the APACHE_HOME\libexec
directory. It also adds two lines of instructions for weblogic_module to the
httpd.conf file and activates the module. Make sure that the following lines
were added to your
APACHE_HOME/conf/httpd.conf file in your Apache
server installation:
LoadModule weblogic_module libexec/
AddModule mod_weblogic.c
5. If you are installing on the Compaq OpenVMS platform, be aware that its
Apache modules use the extension
.exe as opposed to .so used by other
platforms. Thus the module libraries for OpenVMS are:
l mod_wl.exe: Apache Plugin Module (NonSSL)
l mod_wl_ssl.exe: Apache Plugin Module (SSL)
As a result of this different suffix on OpenVMS you must manually add the
LoadModule entries to APACHE$ROOT:[CONF]httpd.conf based on where the
Apache plugin modules are copied. For example, if the modules are in
APACHE$ROOT:[000000] directory, add the following entry to the
APACHE$ROOT:[CONF]httpd.conf file:
l For NonSSL configuration:
LoadModule weblogic_module /apache$root/000000/mod_wl.exe
l For SSL configuration:
LoadModule weblogic_module /apache$root/000000/mod_wl_ssl.exe
The following is a complete stanza added to the httpd.conf file in the section
headed Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Support:
LoadModule weblogic_module modules/mod_wl.exe
AddModule mod_weblogic.c