User's Manual

Mobile terminating
1. Answer the incoming call by pressing the
speakerphone button or the GREEN key on
the Terra 800 keypad.
2. Once the call is in progress, the same options
are available as described in “Speakerphone
phone call – Mobile originating”
3. Press the RED key on the Terra 800 keypad
to terminate the call.
Privacy handset use
Mobile originating
1. Remove the privacy handset from its cup
2. Dial using the full Inmarsat dialing
sequence eg. 00 country code and
telephone number on the Terra 800 keypad
whilst docked. Press the GREEN button to
start the connection.
3. A message is displayed on the screen
display to indicate a call is in progress.
4. Once the call is connected, the STATUS LED
will ash to indicate a call is in progress.
5. Press the RED key on the Terra 800 keypad
or return the privacy handset to its cup to
terminate the call.
Speakerphone call use
Mobile originating
1. By default the Terra 800 will start all calls
in speakerphone mode when dialing on
the keypad if RJ11 and privacy handset
remain on hook.
2. Dial using the full Inmarsat dialing sequence
eg. 00 country code and telephone number
on the keypad. Press the GREEN key on the
Terra 800 keypad to start the connection.
3. A message on the display will indicate the
call is progressing.
4. Once the call is connected, the STATUS LED
will ash to indicate a call is in progress.
5. To terminate the call, Press the RED key on
the Terra 800 keypad.
A. During a call, you may take the privacy
handset out of its cup. This automatically
directs the call audio to the privacy handset.
B. To return the call back to “speakerphone
mode, press the speakerphone button,
then return the privacy handset to its cup.
1. Turn ON power to the terminal. The
Signal LED will start flashing RED.
2. Wait for the terminal to register to the
Inmarsat network and acquire GPS lock.
This may take up to 2 minutes.
3. Inmarsat will be displayed in the top left of
the screen once registration has occurred.
4. Ensure you have at least two bars of
signal strength.
5. The Status LED will then be solid GREEN
or YELLOW and the terminal is now
ready for calls.
NOTE: If your SIM has the PIN enabled, see section
“SIM PIN USE” (page 27) to enter PIN, or to
permanently disable PIN. The terminal will not
register if PIN is required.