User's Manual

the message, select Menu > Messaging > Inbox.
Alternatively, with Info open, use the centre
selection and navigation keys to highlight and
open Unread messages.
Incoming text messages accommodate the
full 10 concatenations. However, incoming
messages from emails are restricted to
approximately 160 Latin and 74 non-Latin
characters. If the sender exceeds this limit, the
message will be truncated upon receipt.
Viewing your received messages
Inbox lists the last 20 messages received, including
message status (read or unread), the sender’s
name or number, the rst words of the message
and the date received. Use the up and down
navigation keys to highlight a message and press
the centre selection key or select Options > Open.
Replying to sender
Open the message and select Options > Reply.
A new blank message will be displayed and the
To: eld will automatically be completed.
Creating a text message for sending
to an email address
Your Oceana 800 can also send text messages
to email addresses. Instead of displaying your
name to the recipient the message will display
your details in the following format:
From: phone eg.
The character limit for a text sent from your
terminal to an email address is approximately
1600 Latin characters or 740 non-Latin
characters, ie up to 10 concatenations,
including the recipient’s email address.
Select Menu > Messaging > New message > Email
message. Compose your message. Recipients
can be added from stored contacts by selecting
Options > Add recipient. Only entries containing
an email address will be displayed.
To send your message to an email address
which is not stored, use the up navigation key to
move the cursor into the To: eld and type the
address. For symbols such as the @ sign,
press the * key and then use the navigation
keys to select from the menu. After entering the
address, wait for 5 seconds and the terminal will
place a ; after the entry, allowing you to enter
another address. When you move the cursor
away from the To: eld or open Options, your
terminal will check the email addresses entered.
If addresses do not follow the format of a valid
email address, they will be deleted and an error
message displayed.
Receiving text and email messages
Messages can be received when the antenna
and your terminal is connected to the network,
even if you are on a call, or when incoming calls
are forwarded to another phone number.
If your Oceana 800 is disconnected (power
o) when a message is received, the message
is stored by the network until your terminal is
powered on and registered with the network.
Delivery will be attempted for the duration that
your message remains in the network. To check
or change this setting, select Menu > Messaging
> Options > Settings > Text msg settings >
Validity period. When you receive a message
on your terminal, an unread message icon will
appear on the status bar. Info will pop-up and
display a list of unread messages. If you wish
to read the message later, press Close. To read