Operation Manual

"Please follow the road".
This display tells you that you should follow the course of
the road.
"Prepare to turn left" or
"Please move into the left-hand lane".
This recommendation prepares you for the next turning to
be taken.
However, "move into the left-hand lane" does not mean
that you should do so immediately!
1RWH At junctions and roundabouts, only the end of the
road which is to be passed is displayed.
"Please leave the roundabout at the third exit on the right".
This display shows you which exit (marked with the ar-
row) you must take at the roundabout.
"Now drive straight ahead".
At this point, you must drive straight ahead.
"Please follow the direction arrows".
This display tells you that you are in a non-digitised street
(e.g. car park, garage), which is not included in the digital
street map. The arrow indicates the direction of the desti-
nation as the crow flies.