Operation Manual

Select radio menu mode and then and press multifunction button “37´. The
selected transmitter program type is displayed for 10 seconds (e.g. 3230 =
pop music). If the selected transmitter has no PTY characteristic (see also
page 73) 1237< appears.
In order to activate search, select radio menu mode and then and press
multifunction button “37´. Pre-select a currently available PTY using the
multifunction button “ ” or “ ”. Turn the right rotary control within the next
10 seconds. 37<6((. is displayed. The previously heard programme is
selected if no transmitter with the selected PTY is receivable. Switching over
to station button plane takes place if there is no further actuation within
10 seconds.
6WRUH: 10 frequencies or programs can be stored on each of wavebands FM 1
and FM 2.
Press multifunction button for 2 - 4 seconds in order to store the desired
transmitter or program.
The frequency is stored on the station button if the multifunction button is
pressed for longer than 4 seconds (display)0),;).
5HTXHVW: Press multifunction button “ - ”. The stored transmitter is
The stored frequency is set if the transmitter cannot be identified.
No diversity or programme identification is performed after request if only one
frequency is stored on the multifunction button. )0),; appears briefly on the