Operation Manual

Radio mode
Use the right-hand rotary control to select Autoselect
and press to confirm. After a short delay and without actua-
tion, direct programming is cancelled.
Quit the TP menu.
Switching mute function on / off
Once a TP or EON station has been selected, the mute func-
tion can be activated by briefly pressing the button.
Following this, only traffic announcements will be switched
through. The mute function is cancelled by pressing the
button again.
Interrupting TP announcements
Briefly press the button during the TP announcement.
The announcement currently being broadcast will be inter-
rupted and the system will automatically return to the previ-
ously selected mode.
TP Announcement volume
Activate TP Menu. Press the multifunction button.
With the right-hand rotary control , four different settings
0 - 3) can be selected. This means that the volume can be
raised by a fixed amount depending on the setting.
0 - No increase
1 - Slight increase
2 - Medium increase
3 - Strong increase