Operation Manual

Radio mode
Settings for AM station selection
The desired station can be selected via autostore (MW, LW),
station search, scan search, manual tuning and station buttons.
Station search MW, LW, SW
Whilst in the desired waveband (MW, LW or SW) turn the
right-hand rotary control to the left or right. The radio
searches for reception frequencies in descending or ascending
order of frequency.
AM Scan search
Whilst in the desired waveband (MW, LW or SW) press the
right-hand rotary control and will be displayed.
An automatic station search will be initiated. The first run is
performed on an insensitive plane, all further runs on a sensi-
tive plane. Receivable stations will remain audible for 8 sec-
onds. If you wish to store one, press the right-hand rotary
control .
Calling up / storing MW, LW, SW stations
Storing: In each case up to 12 stations can be stored using the
station buttons. Search for the desired station and press the
desired multifunction button until a signal tone sounds.
To reach presets 10 – 12, press the multifunction but-
Calling up stations: Press multifunction buttons -
or - and the stored station will be called