Operation Manual

CD mode
Fast forward / reverse
Fast forward (audible) is activated by pressing the
multifunction button and fast reverse (audible) is activated by
pressing the multifunction button.
Fast forward / reverse terminates when the multifunction but-
ton is released.
Note: Fast reverse terminates automatically as soon as
the beginning of the current track is reached.
Random play
Pressing the multifunction button activates the random
play function. Subsequently, the titles from the current CD
will be played in random order. The prompt
Rnd is displayed
Pressing the multifunction button again deactivates the
“Random play” function.
Track repeat
"Track repeat" is activated by pressing the multifunc-
tion button. The prompt
Rpt is displayed inversely.
Pressing the multifunction button again deactivates
“Track repeat”.
Track display
Press the button in CD mode.
Pressing the multifunction button will briefly display
the number of the current track and the total number of tracks.