User's Guide

Technical Specifications
The BD Strive™ System communicates with the following
characteristics: Frequency of 2.402-2.480 GHz using GFSK
modulation with an eective isotropic radiated power of -10.6 dBm
for Insulin Delivery Device and -7.0 dBm for Wireless Controller.
The data rate is 1Mbps, and general data transmission throughput is
1mb/sec with very low duty cycle.
Using BLE 4.1, the RF quality out-of-band pairing and AES128
encryption algorithm ensures data integrity. Extra three layers
of CRC for data integrity checking and also one’s complement
checking for critical parameter checks.
The BD Strive™ System communicates using a low level RF energy.
As with all RF receivers, the potential for disturbance exists, even
with equipment that complies with FCC Part 15, EN ETSI 300 328
Care should be taken if the System is used in adjacent to other
electrical equipment. Avoid conditions that might aect reliable data
transmission of the system (eg: other IDDs, HF Surgical Equipment
and RF shielded rooms, X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),
computed tomography (CT) scans, ultrasound, electromagnetic
security systems, cellular telephones, RFID or other in-band
If adjacent use is inevitable, the BD Strive™ System should be
observed to verify normal operation in this setting.
The BD Strive™ System meets the immunity requirements of the
general standard for electromagnetic compatibility (IEC 60601-1-2.)
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