User's Guide

Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
The signs and symptoms of Hypoglycemia are mild, moderate, or
severe. See the charts on the following pages for the symptoms of
mild, moderate, and severe Hypoglycemia.
Never ignore the signs of low blood sugar. If severe Hypoglycemia
is left untreated, it can cause seizures or unconsciousness. If you are
experiencing any signs and symptoms of low blood sugar, always
check your blood glucose level to confirm.
This might happen if you took your insulin and:
Did not eat enough food at a meal/snack or skipped/delayed
a meal
Took more insulin than needed for the meal that you ate
Exercised or were more active than usual
Drank alcohol prior to eating food
Signs and symptoms:
A low blood glucose reaction brings on very uncomfortable feelings.
Once you have a reaction, you will know how to recognize it when
it occurs again.
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