Installation manual

Error messages Trouble Shooting
Apr 2004 39
8 Trouble Shooting
If the antenna unit should fail an error message will be sent
to the Alarm log (cf. User Manual sections 4.1.6 “Alarm
Log” and 2.4 “The Control Handset”).
8.1 Error messages
An error message does not pinpoint the exact location of
the unit, which is causing the fault – but it gives an idea of
where to start troubleshooting. An error message can be
hardware or software related.
If an error message is received - start the trouble shooting
by restarting the system.
Possible Reasons Actions
FEU Status
Heat alarm
a) System error or
b) Temperature inside
radome exceeds 90°C or
c) Cooler fan failure or
d) HPA failure
Restart the system
FEU Status
Burst alarm
a) System error or
b) HPA failure
Restart the system
FEU Status
Power alarm
a) System error or
b) HPA failure
Restart the system
Link down
a) System error or
b) Antenna cable
disconnected/faulty or
c) Antenna unit failure
1) Check cable and
restart the system
2) Return the unit for