GHS Pictograms:
Product Nam e : BEHR PREMIUM Solid Color Waterproofing Wood Stain & Sealer - Redwood
Product Code: 50330
SDS Ma nufacture r Num ber: 50330
Manufa cture r Nam e : BEHR Proce ss Corpo ra tio n
Addre ss: 3400 W. Se ge rstrom Ave nue
Santa Ana , C A 92704
Ge ne ral Phone Num b e r: (714) 545-7101
Ge ne ral Fa x Num be r: (714) 241-1002
Custo m e r Se rvice P hone
Num b e r:
(800) 854-0133 e x t. 2
CHEMT R EC: For e m e rgencies in the US, ca ll CHEMTR EC: 800-424-9300
Canute c: In Ca nada, call CANUT EC: (613) 996-6666 (call co llect)
SDS Creation Da te: De ce m b e r 06, 2016
SDS Revisio n Da te : De ce m be r 06, 2016
(M)SDS Fo rm a t:
Signa l W o rd: DANGER.
GHS C la ss: Ge rm ce ll m uta ge nicity. Cate g o ry 1 B.
Reproductive to x icity. Ca te gory 1B.
Eye Irritation. Cate gory 2.
Sk in Irritation. Cate gory 2.
Sk in Se nsitization. category 1.
Hazard Sta te m e nts: May cause ge netic defe cts.
May da m a g e fertility or the unbo rn child .
Cause s se rio us eye irritation.
Cause s sk in irrita tio n.
May cause a n a lle rgic skin re a ctio n.
Preca utionary State m e nts: Obtain s pe cia l instructions be fo re use.
Do not handle until a ll safe ty precautio ns ha ve b e e n re a d a nd understood.
Avo id breathing dust/fum e /gas/m ist/vapours/spra y.
Wash ha nds tho ro ughly a fter ha ndling.
Conta m inate d work clothing sho uld not be a llowe d o ut o f the wo rk pla ce.
We a r protective g love s /prote ctive clo thing/e ye prote ctio n/fa ce p rote ction.
IF O N SKIN: W a s h with ple nty of wate r.
IF I N EYES: Rinse cautio usly with wa te r fo r seve ral m inute s . Rem o ve co nta ct le nses, if pre sent a nd e asy
to do. C o ntinue rinsing.
IF e x pose d or concerne d: Ge t m edica l a dvice/a tte ntion.
Specific tre a tm ent (see ... o n this la be l).
If s k in irritation o ccurs: Ge t m edica l a dvice /a tte ntion.
If s k in irritation o r ra sh occurs: Ge t m e dica l a d vice /a tte ntion.
If e ye irrita tio n persists: Ge t m e d ical advice /atte ntio n.
Take o ff conta m inate d clo thing and wash it be fo re re use.
Sto re locke d up.
Dispo s e of conte nts/conta iner in a ccorda nce with Lo ca l, Sta te , Fe deral a nd Provincial regulations.
Emerge ncy O ve rvie w: Irrita nt.
Route of Exposure : Eyes. Sk in. Inha la tio n. Inge stion.
Potentia l He alth Effe cts:
Eye: Cause s e ye irrita tio n.
Sk in: Cause s sk in irrita tio n.
Inha la tio n: Prolonge d o r e x cessive inhalation m a y cause respirato ry tract irritation.
Inge stio n: May be ha rm ful if s wa llowe d. May cause vom iting.
Chronic He alth Effe cts: Prolonge d o r re pea te d conta ct m ay ca use skin irrita tio n.
Signs/Sym ptom s: Ove re x posure m ay ca use headache s and diz ziness.
Targe t Orga ns: Eyes. Sk in. Respirato ry s ystem . Digestive sys te m .
Aggra vation of Pre-Existing
Conditio ns:
None generally re cognized.
Chemical Name CA S# Ingredient Percent
EC Num.
Product: BEHR PREMIUM Solid Color Waterproofing Wood Stain & Sealer - Redwood | Manufacturer: | Revison:12/06/2016, Version:0
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