Silica, a m o rpho us, pre cipitate d and gel 112926-00-8 1 - 5 by we ight
Alum inum hydrox id e 21645-51-2 1 - 5 by we ight 244-492-7
Flux Ca lcine d Dia to m a ce o us Ea rth (DE) 68855-54-9 1 - 5 by we ight 272-489-0
Note : The rem aining co m po ne nts of this product a re non-ha za rdo us or a re in a sm a ll e nough qua ntity a s to
not m e e t reg ula tory thresholds for disclo s ure .
Eye Contact: Im m e diately flus h e ye s with plenty of wa ter fo r a t least 15 to 20 m inutes . Ensure ade quate flushing o f
the eye s by se p a rating the eye lids with finge rs. Rem ove co ntacts if prese nt a nd e asy to do . Continue
rinsing. Get m edica l atte ntion, if irritatio n or sym ptom s of ove re x p o sure persists .
Sk in Conta ct: Im m e dia tely wash sk in with so a p a nd ple nty of wa te r.
Ge t m edical a ttentio n if irritatio n de velo ps or p e rsists.
Inha lation: If inha led, re m o ve to fresh a ir. If not bre a thing, g ive a rtificia l respiration o r give o x ygen by trained
pe rsonnel. Seek im m e diate m e dica l atte ntion.
Inge stion: If swallowed, do NOT induce vo m iting. C a ll a physicia n or poison control cente r im m e diately. Neve r give
anything by m o uth to a n unconscious pe rson.
Flash Point: None .
Lowe r Fla m m a ble/Explosive Lim it: Not a pplica b le.
Uppe r Fla m m a b le/Exp los ive Lim it: Not a pplica b le.
Extinguishing Me dia: Use a lcohol re sis ta nt foa m , carbon dio x ide , dry che m ical, or wa ter fog or spray whe n fighting fire s
invo lving this m ate rial.
Protective Equipm ent: As in any fire, we ar Se lf-Co nta ine d Brea thing Apparatus (SCBA), MSHA/NIO SH (app rove d or equivale nt)
and full prote ctive ge ar.
NFPA Ratings:
NFPA He alth: 1
NFPA Flam m a bility: 1
NFPA R eactivity: 0
Perso nal P reca utions: Evacua te area and ke e p unne ces sary and unprote cted pe rsonnel from entering the spill area . Use
prope r p e rsona l prote ctive e quipm e nt a s liste d in Se ctio n 8.
Environm e nta l Precautions: Avoid runoff into sto rm se we rs, ditches, a nd wa te rways.
Me thods for conta inm ent: Contain spills with a n inert abso rbe nt m a te ria l such as soil or sa nd . Preve nt from spre a d ing by
covering , diking o r othe r m e a ns. P rovide ve ntila tion.
Me thods for cle a nup: Clea n up spills im m e d iate ly obs e rving pre ca utions in the pro te ctive equipm ent se ction. Pla ce into a
suitab le conta ine r for dis posa l. Provide ve ntila tio n. Afte r rem oval, flush sp ill area with soa p and wate r
to rem ove trace residue.
Handling: Use with ade quate ventila tio n. Avoid breathing va p o r and conta ct with e yes, skin and clo thing.
Storage: Store in a coo l, dry, we ll ve ntila te d a re a a wa y from so urces of he a t, com bustible m a teria ls, a nd
incom pa tible substances. Kee p conta ine r tightly close d whe n no t in use .
Hygie ne P ra ctices : W a sh thoroughly afte r ha ndling. Avoid conta ct with eye s a nd sk in. Avoid inha ling vapo r or m ist.
Engine e ring Controls: Use a ppropria te enginee ring control such a s proce ss e nclo s ures , lo ca l exha ust ve ntila tion, or other
enginee ring controls to contro l airborne leve ls be lo w recom m e nde d e x po sure lim its. Goo d ge ne ral
ve ntila tion sho uld be sufficient to control airborne leve ls. W he re such syste m s are no t e ffective wear
suitab le pe rsona l prote ctive equipm e nt, which pe rform s satisfa cto rily a nd m e e ts O SHA or othe r
reco gnize d sta nda rds. Cons ult with local proce d ure s for se lection, training, inspe ction a nd m a inte na nce
of the pe rso nal protective equipm e nt.
Eye/Face P rote ctio n: W e a r a p propria te prote ctive glasses or splash go g gle s a s de scribe d by 29 C FR 1910.133, OSHA e ye
and face prote ction re gulation, or the Europea n sta ndard EN 166.
Sk in Prote ctio n Descrip tion: Che m ical-re sis ta nt glo ves a nd chem ica l go ggle s, fa ce-shie ld a nd synthe tic a pron or coveralls should be
used to pre vent contact with e yes, s k in o r clothing.
Product: Premium Plus Ultra® Interior Matte UPW No. 1750 | Manufacturer: BEHR Process Corporation | Revison:10/20/2017, Version:0
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