Guid e line O SHA: O SHA-TW A: 15 m g/m 3
Ethylene glycol :
Guid e line ACGI H: TLV-ST EL: C 100 m g/m 3 (Ae roso l o nly)
Physica l Sta te Appe ara nce : Liquid.
Colo r: W hite
Bo iling P oint: No Data
Me lting Point: No Data
Density: 10 - 12 Lbs./g a l.
Va por De ns ity: Grea ter than 1 (Air = 1).
Va por P re ssure: Gre a te r than 1 (Air = 1).
pH: 8.5 to 9.5
Mole cula r Fo rm ula : Mix ture
Mole cula r We ight: Mix ture
Flash Po int: No Data
VO C C o nte nt: Mate ria l VO C: 20 gm /l (Include s Wa ter)
Coating VOC.: 48 gm /l (Exclude s Wate r)
Che m ica l Sta bility: Stable unde r no rm al te m pe rature s and pressures .
Haza rdo us Polym erizatio n: Not repo rte d.
Conditions to Avoid: Heat, flam es , inco m pa tible m ate ria ls, and free zing or te m pe rature s
be low 32 de g. F.
Inco m pa tible Mate ria ls: O x idizing a ge nts. Strong a cid s a nd a lka lis .
Specia l De co m po sition
Inco m plete co m bustion m a y p rod uce carbon m onox ide and o ther tox ic
ga ses.
Silica, amorphous, precipitated and gel :
RTEC S Num be r: VV7315000
Nepheline Syenite :
RTEC S Num be r: Q P 9365000
Titanium dioxide :
RTEC S Num be r: XR 2275000
Sk in: Adm inistration onto the skin - Hum a n Sta nda rd Draize te s t.: 300 ug/3D
(Inte rmittent) (RTECS)
Ing e stion: Ing e stion - R a t TDLo : 60 gm /k g ; Ga s trointe stinal - Hype rm otility,
diarrhe a Gas trointe stinal - O ther change s. (R TECS)
Carcino ge nicity: IAR C : Group 2B: P o ss ibly carcinog e nic to hum ans.
A luminum hydroxide :
RTEC S Num be r: BD0940000
Ethylene glycol :
RTEC S Num be r: KW 2975000
Eye: Eye - R ab bit TDLo: 10 pph [Se nse O rgans and Specia l Se ns e s (Eye) -
Conjunctive irrita tion]
Eye - R at Sta nd a rd Draize te st.: 0.012 %/3D
Eye - R ab bit Standa rd Draize te s t.: 500 m g/24H
Eye - R ab bit Standa rd Draize te s t.: 100 m g/1H
Eye - R ab bit Standa rd Draize te s t.: 0.012 ppm /3D
Eye - R ab bit Standa rd Draize te s t.: 1440 m g/6H (R TECS)
Sk in: Adm inistration onto the skin - Ra bbit LD50: 9530 uL/kg [Details of
tox ic e ffe cts not rep orted o ther than lethal do s e va lue ]
Adm inistration onto the skin - Ra bbit O pen irrita tion te s t: 555 m g
Ing e stion: O ral - Rat LD50: 4700 m g/k g [De tails of to x ic effe cts not rep orte d
other than lethal dos e va lue ]
O ral - Guine a pig LD50: 6600 m g/k g [De tails of to x ic effe cts not
reported othe r than lethal dos e va lue ]
O ral - LD50: 2000 m g/kg [Details of to x ic effe cts not rep orte d o ther
tha n le thal dose va lue ]
O ral - Mouse LD50: 5500 m g/k g [De tails of to x ic effe cts not rep orted
other than lethal dos e va lue ]
O ral - LD50: 5500 m g/kg [Kidne y/Ureter/Bladde r - O the r changes]
O ral - LD50: 1650 m g/kg [Kidne y/Ureter/Bladde r - O the r changes]
Product: BEHR® Premium Plus Int Ultra Eggshell Enamel Paint UPW No. 2750 | Manufacturer: BEHR Process Corporation | Revison:6/30/2011, Version:0
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