Silica, a m orphous, p re cip ita ted and g e l 112926-00-8 1 - 5 by we ight
Alum inum hydroxide 21645-51-2 1 - 5 by we ight
Carbo nic a cid calcium sa lt 471-34-1 1 - 5 by we ight
Ne phe line Sye nite 37244-96-5 10 - 30 b y we ight
2-e thylhe xyl be nzo a te 5444-75-7 1 - 5 by we ight
Eye Contact: Im m e diate ly flush e ye s with ple nty o f wate r for a t le ast 15 to 20 m inute s. Ens ure adequa te flushing of
the e ye s by separating the e yelids with fing e rs. R e m o ve contacts if pre se nt a nd ea sy to do. Continue
rinsing. Ge t m edica l a tte ntion, if irrita tio n o r sym ptom s of ove rexposure persists.
Sk in Contact: Im m e diate ly wash sk in with soap and ple nty o f wate r.
Ge t m edica l a tte ntion if irrita tio n de ve lo p s or persists.
Inha la tio n: If inha le d , re m ove to fres h air. If not breathing, g ive artificia l re spira tio n or give ox ygen by traine d
pe rso nne l. Se e k im m e dia te m e dica l a tte ntion.
Inge stio n: If s wallowe d , do NO T induce vo m iting. C a ll a physician or p o ison co ntrol ce nte r im m edia tely. Neve r g ive
anything by m outh to an uncons cio us perso n.
Flash Point: None .
Lo wer Fla m m a ble /Explo sive Lim it: Not a p plicable .
Upper Flam m able /Explosive Lim it: Not a p plicable .
Extinguishing Me dia : Use a lcoho l re sistant fo a m , ca rbon dioxide, dry che m ical, or wate r fo g or spra y when fighting fire s
invo lving this m ate rial.
Prote ctive Equipm ent: As in a ny fire, we ar Se lf-Containe d Breathing Apparatus (SC BA), MSHA/NIO SH (approve d o r e quiva le nt)
and full p rote ctive gea r.
NFPA Ratings:
NFPA He alth: 1
NFPA Fla m m a bility: 1
NFPA Reactivity: 0
Perso nne l Preca utions: Evacua te area a nd ke e p unne ce s sary a nd unprotecte d personnel from entering the spill area. Use
pro pe r perso nal protective e quipm e nt as liste d in sectio n 8.
Environm e nta l Precautio ns: Avo id runoff into storm se wers, d itches, a nd waterwa ys.
Me thods for co nta inm e nt: Conta in spills with a n ine rt a b sorbe nt m a te ria l s uch a s soil o r sa nd. Preve nt from sprea ding by
cove ring, dik ing or o the r m e a ns. Provid e ve ntila tio n.
Me thods for cle a nup : Cle a n up spills im m e dia tely o bserving precautions in the protective equipm e nt s e ctio n. Pla ce into a
suita ble containe r fo r dis posal. Pro vide ventila tio n. After rem ova l, flus h spill area with soap a nd water
to rem ove trace residue.
Hand ling: Use with adequa te ventila tio n. Avoid breathing va por and co nta ct with e yes, skin a nd clo thing.
Sto rage: Sto re in a cool, d ry, well ventila te d area a way from sources of hea t, co m bustible m a te ria ls, and
incom p a tible sub sta nces. Kee p containe r tightly clo s e d whe n not in use.
Hygie ne Practice s : Wash tho roughly a fter handling. Avo id contact with e yes and sk in. Avoid inha ling vapor o r m ist.
Enginee ring Controls: Use a p propriate e ng ine ering contro l such as proce ss e nclo sure s , local exhaus t ve ntila tio n, or other
engineering controls to control a irborne le ve ls be low re co m m e nded e x posure lim its . Good gene ral
ve ntila tio n should be sufficient to co ntrol a irborne le vels . Whe re such syste m s a re not e ffe ctive wear
suita ble perso nal protective equipm e nt, which perform s satisfactorily a nd m e e ts O SHA or other
recog nize d sta ndards. Consult with local procedure s fo r selection, training, insp e ctio n and m a inte nance
of the pe rsona l protective equipm e nt.
Eye/Fa ce Prote ction: We a r a ppropria te prote ctive gla sses or s pla sh goggle s a s de scribed by 29 CFR 1910.133, O SHA e ye
and fa ce protection reg ula tio n, or the Europea n standa rd EN 166.
Sk in Prote ction De scriptio n: Che m ical-resista nt glo ve s a nd chem ical g o ggle s, fa ce -shie ld a nd synthe tic apron or cove ralls should be
use d to pre vent contact with e yes, skin o r clo thing.
Respirato ry Pro te ctio n: A NIO SH app rove d a ir-purifying re spira to r with a n orga nic va por cartridge or caniste r m ay be
Product: Premium Plus Ultra Flat White | Manufacturer: BEHR Process Corporation | Revison:4/30/2015, Version:0
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