O ther First Aid: Due to possib le a spiration into the lungs, DO NOT induce vom iting if
inge ste d. P rovide a glass of wa te r to dilute the m a te rial in the
sto m ach. If vom iting occurs na turally, have the pe rso n lean forwa rd to
reduce the risk of as piration.
Flash Po int: No Data
Lowe r Fla m m a ble /Ex plosive
Lim it:
Not app licable.
Upp e r Flam m a ble/Exp losive
Lim it:
Not app licable.
Extinguishing Me dia : Use alcohol resista nt foa m , carbo n dio x ide , dry che m ical, or water fog
or sp ray whe n fighting fire s involving this m a terial.
Prote ctive Equipm e nt: As in any fire , wear Self-C o ntaine d Brea thing Ap paratus (SCBA),
MSHA/NIOSH (a pp roved or equivalent) and full prote ctive gear.
NFPA Ratings:
NFPA He a lth: 1
NFPA Fla m m a b ility: 1
NFPA R e a ctivity: 0
Personne l Pre ca utions: Use prop e r pe rso na l prote ctive equipm e nt as liste d in section 8.
Environm enta l Pre cautions: Avoid runo ff into storm s e we rs, ditche s, a nd wa te rwa ys.
Spill C leanup Me a sures: Abso rb spill with ine rt m a terial (e .g., dry sand or earth), then place in a
chem ical wa ste conta ine r. P rovide ve ntila tion. C le a n up sp ills
im m ed iate ly o bse rving preca utions in the prote ctive e quipm ent se ctio n.
Handling: Use with a dequate ve ntila tion. Avo id breathing vapo r and co ntact with
eye s, s k in and clothing.
Storage : Store in a cool, dry, well ve ntilated area a wa y from sources of heat,
com bustible m a te rials, and incom pa tible substa nces. Ke e p containe r
tightly clo sed whe n not in use .
Hygie ne Pra ctices : Wa sh thoro ughly after handling. Avoid conta ct with eye s and sk in. Avo id
inha ling va po r or m ist.
Engineering C ontrols: Use ap pro priate e ngine e ring control such a s proce ss e nclos ure s, loca l
exha ust ventila tion, o r othe r engineering controls to control a irborne
le vels be low recom m ende d ex po sure lim its. Good ge neral ve ntilation
sho uld be sufficient to control airbo rne levels. Whe re such sys te m s a re
not e ffective we a r suitab le persona l prote ctive equipm ent, which
pe rform s sa tisfacto rily a nd m ee ts O SHA or othe r recognized standards.
Consult with lo cal proce dures for s e lectio n, training, inspectio n and
m a inte nance of the pe rso nal prote ctive equipm ent.
Eye/Fa ce P rotection: We a r appropria te protective gla sse s or s plash goggle s as de scribe d by
29 C FR 1910.133, O SHA eye and face prote ction re gulation, or the
European standa rd EN 166.
Sk in Protection Descriptio n: C he m ical-re sis ta nt gloves and chem ical gog gles, face -shield a nd
synthe tic ap ron or coveralls sho uld be us e d to pre vent conta ct with
eye s, s k in or clo thing.
We a r appropria te protective glo ve s. Co ns ult glove m a nufacturer's da ta
for pe rm eability da ta.
Resp irato ry Prote ctio n: A NIO SH approved air-purifying re sp irato r with a n o rga nic va por
cartridge o r caniste r m a y be pe rm issible unde r certain circum s ta nces
whe re airbo rne conce ntrations a re expe cte d to ex cee d e x p osure lim its.
Prote ction provide d by a ir purifying respirators is lim ite d. Use a po sitive
press ure air supplied re sp irato r if the re is any pote ntial fo r an
unco ntrolled rele a s e , expo sure le vels a re not k no wn, o r any o ther
circum sta nce s whe re air purifying resp irato rs m ay not provide a d e qua te
prote ction.
O ther P ro te ctive : Fa cilitie s sto ring or utilizing this m aterial sho uld be equippe d with an
eye wa sh facility and a sa fe ty sho we r.
Titanium dioxide :
Guid e line ACGI H: TLV-TW A: 10 m g /m 3
Guid e line O SHA: O SHA-TW A: 15 m g/m 3
Silica, amorphous, precipitated and gel :
Guid e line ACGI H: TLV-TW A: 10 m g /m 3
Product: PREMIUM PLUS ULTRA Interior Satin Enamel UPW No. 7750 | Manufacturer: BEHR Process Corporation | Revison:12/30/2011, Version:0
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