DOT Ha za rd Class: No Data
California PR O P 65: W ARNING: This product co ntains a che m ica l known to the s ta te o f
California to ca us e cancer and birth de fe cts or o ther re productive ha rm .
Nepheline Syenite :
TSCA Inve nto ry Status: Not listed
Cana da DSL: Liste d
A luminum hydroxide :
TSCA Inve nto ry Status: Liste d
Cana da DSL: Liste d
Titanium dioxide :
TSCA Inve nto ry Status: Liste d
State R eg ulations : Liste d in the New Jerse y State R ight to Know List.
Liste d in the P e nnsylvania State Haza rdo us Substa nce s List.
Cana da DSL: Liste d
Silica, amorphous, precipitated and gel :
TSCA Inve nto ry Status: Not listed
Cana da DSL: Liste d
HMIS Hea lth Ha zard: 1
HMIS Fire Ha za rd: 1
HMIS Re activity: 0
HMIS Othe r: x
MSDS C rea tion Date : Ja nua ry 30, 2007
MSDS R evisio n Da te: De cem be r 30, 2011
MSDS R evisio n Note s: Q ua rte rly form ula update
MSDS Author: Actio C o rpo ration
Disclaim e r: This Health and Safe ty Info rm a tion is correct to the best o f our
kno wled ge a nd belief at the da te of its pub lication but we cannot a cce pt
liability for a ny loss, injury or da m age which m ay result from its us e .
We sha ll e nsure, so far as is rea sona bly p ractica ble , tha t a ny revision
of this Data Sheet is se nt to a ll custom e rs to whom we ha ve dire ctly
sup plie d this substa nce , but m ust point out that it is the res po nsibility
of a ny interm ediate supplie r to ensure tha t such revisio n is pa sse d to
the ultim a te use r. T he info rm a tion given in the Da ta Shee t is de sig ne d
only as a guida nce for safe handling, storage a nd the use of the
sub stance . It is not a specification no r does it gua ra ntee a ny sp e cific
prope rties . All che m ica ls sho uld be ha ndled only by co m pe tent
pe rso nne l, within a contro lle d e nvironm e nt. Should furthe r inform ation
be require d, this ca n be obta ined through the sa les office whose
addres s is at the top of this da ta she e t.
Tradem a rk : The trad e m arks , se rvice m ark s, graphics and logos us e d on this MSDS
are registe red or unre giste re d trade m a rks o f BEHR Proce ss
Corporation. All Rig hts Rese rve d.
Copyright© 1996-2011 Actio Corporation. All R ights Re se rved.
Product: PREMIUM PLUS ULTRA Interior Satin Enamel UPW No. 7750 | Manufacturer: BEHR Process Corporation | Revison:12/30/2011, Version:0
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