User Manual

7 X32 DIGITAL MIXER Preliminary User Manual
02: next 0:00 - 0:00
A: S16 A: 48K
B: - C: XUF
: 15
01 15:33
gate dyn eq sends main
Main Display Area
The main color display presents information about various sections of the
console. It can be switched to dierent screens using the console’s View buttons,
as well as any of the 8 buttons on the right side of the display.
The top section of the main display permanently covers useful status information.
The top left corner shows the selected channel number, its nickname and the
selected icon. The next block shows the current scene number and name in
amber, as well as the next upcoming scene. The center section displays the
playback le name along with elapsed and remaining time and a recorder status
icon. Thenext block to the right has 4 segments to show the status of AES50
ports A and B, the Card slot and the audio clock synchronization source and
sample rate (topright). Small green square indicators show proper connectivity.
The right most block shows the console time that can be set under Setup/Cong.
When working with any given screen, press the Page keys located on the display
bezel to switch to dierent screen pages.
Editing parameters or settings on each of the screens is done using the 6
associated push-encoders along the bottom edge of the display.
• Whenever there is a continuous control or list entry, you can turn the
corresponding knob forediting, which is indicated by various circularicons
• When there is a switch or toggle function on one of these knobs, you will see
a broad rectangular button along the lower edge of the eld. Pressing the
encoder changes the on/o state of the corresponding function. When the
rectangular button in the display is dark grey, thecorresponding function is
o/inactive; whenit is amber, the function is on/active
Monitoring and Talkback
There are two separate Level controls in this section, one for the headphone
outputs located on either side of the console, and a second one for the monitor
outputs located on the rear panel.
Press the section’s View button to edit various monitoring preferences, such as
the input source forthe phones bus and the monitor outputs.
This section also contains independent Talkback buttons (A and B). Press the View
button to edit the Talkback preferences for the Talkback A path and Talkback B
path separately. This screen also contains settings for the optional goose-neck
lamp and the console’s internal test-tone generator.
Group/Bus Channel Banks
This section of the console oers eight channel strips, divided into the
• Eight DCA (digitally controlled amplier) groups
• Mix Bus masters 1-8
• Mix Bus masters 9-16
• Matrix Outputs 1-6, and the main center bus
This section also contains a main LR output fader, which is independent and
always available no matter which channel bank or layer is active.
When using the DCA Groups layer, the DCA Groups can be soloed and muted,
butthey cannot be selected. To edit the DCA group names, icons and colors,
navigate to the Setup/DCA Groups page on the main display.
When using any of the output bus layers, notethat the bottom LEDs on the
meters in this section illuminate when the respective bus is fed from pre-fader
sources of the selected channel.
On each fader strip you will nd a motorized 100mm level fader, Mute and Solo
buttons, aGate indicator, an input level meter, Compressorindicator, and the
channel selectbutton.
Each of the 16 input channels has an individual (andcustomizable) color LCD
screen that can display a channel number, nickname, and even a graphical
channel icon. In the event that a channel’s input source has been changed to an
input signal that diers from the default setup, the LCD displaywill also indicate
the name of the actual input source.
Example: Channel 01 has the nickname Soundcard and is fed from Aux input 5.