
3. Quick Start
This chapter is for those who cannot wait to use their new DCX2496(LE) in a
practical application. You will  nd a description of how you can explore your
DCX2496(LE) and its versatile and intuitive features below. This chapter is just a
starting point for future excursions. So, please read the entire users manual to
take full advantage of all your DCX2496(LE)'s features andfunctions.
3.1 Selecting an Output Con guration
Press the SETUP button to call up the SETUP menu.
On the  rst menu page, selectan output con guration (OUTCONFI GURATION) to
determine which outputs are used for which frequency ranges. One mono and
three stereo con gurations areavailable.
The mono con guration allows you to split the input signal into six di erent
frequency ranges. The stereo con gurations allow a maximum of three di erent
frequency ranges per stereo side. The abbreviations L, Mand H stand for Low,
Mid and HighSpeaker.
3.2 Setting Crossover Frequencies
In order to assign dedicated frequency bands to the output channels, you have
to de ne the crossover frequencies (X-Over) for each of them. The crossover
frequencies determine the upper and lower limits of a frequency band,
whichallows you to clearly separate the outputs from each other in terms
Press the corresponding OUT button (1-6) and select menu page 2/8 using the
PAGE buttons. With the parameters FREQ and TYPE you can de ne the slope of
the crossover frequency and also select a  lter type. When the parameter X-OVER
ADJUST MODE is set to “LINK”, any changes to the crossover frequency will also
shift the neighboring frequency ranges.
3.3 Muting Input/Output Channels (Mute)
Press the MUTE button to enter the MUTE menu. Here you can mute the inputs
and outputs of the DCX2496(LE). On this page you can mute or activate individual
channels by pressing the channel buttons (IN A-B / A-C and OUT 1-6), or all
inputs/outputs by pressing the PARAM and OK or CANCEL buttons. Thus, you can
monitor each frequency band, either individually or together with a neighboring
band, to allow perfect editing of the isolated frequency range. To quit the MUTE
menu press MUTE a secondtime.
3.4 Storing Presets
Use the STORE button to save your presets.
3.5 Recalling Presets
Press the RECALL button to load presets from the internal memory. Select the
preset you wish to recall, then press ENTER. We included some typical presets
that you can use as a basis for your own applications.
3.6 Restoring the Factory Presets
If you wish to restore the ULTRADRIVE’s factory presets, press and hold both PAGE
buttons on the front panel switching on the unit. The DCX2496(LE) prompts you
to con rm (OK) or CANCEL. Press OK to erase the internal memory and restore the
4. Menu Structure and Editing
This chapter describes all functions, operating steps and parameter pages in full
detail. While working with your DCX2496(LE), please keep the users manual on
hand, and use it as a reference in case of problems.
4.1 General operating structure and
When you switch on your ULTRADRIVE, the display shows a graphic with the
current routing of the unit, i.e. how inputs and outputs are linked to each other.
Use the buttons to the left of the output LED displays (SETUP, MUTE etc.) to enter
the various menus. Most of them include several pages, which you can select
with the PAGE buttons. The PARAM button selects individual parameters from
one page, the data wheel edits them. Con rm new settings with OK, or cancel
your selection with CANCEL. This operating structure is the same for all menus so
it will not be repeated in each section of the manual.
The menu name is shown at the top-left of the display. Next to this, andseparated
by an arrow, is the name of the current page (e.g. SETUP IN/OUT). Thepage
number of the corresponding menu is shown on the right-hand side
(e.g. 1/6 = page 1 of 6).
The bottom line also shows the menu name (e.g. SETUP). For buttons IN A-C and
OUT 1-6 (below the input/output LED displays), the menus for the corresponding
inputs/outputs are listed (IN A, OUT 3 etc.). In addition, the output display also
indicates the name of the output (e.g. SUBWOOFER, RIGHT MID etc.).
4.2 SETUP menu
Use the SETUP menu to make basic adjustments necessary for the operation of
your ULTRADRIVE. Press the SETUP button to display the  rst page of thismenu.
4.2.1 IN/OUT
Fig. 4.1: Setup In/Out
The parameter OUT CONFIGURATION selects the general operating mode;
in MONO mode input A is the preset signal source for all outputs. In STEREO mode,
three con gurations are available. Please use inputs A and B in these modes.
Thedisplay shows the OUT channels (L = LOW, M = MID and H = HIGH).
The stereo 3-way con guration LMHLMH has input A routed to outputs 1, 2
and 3, and input B routed to outputs 4, 5 and 6. The stereo 3-way con guration
LLMMHH routes input A to outputs 1, 3 and 5, and input B to outputs 2, 4 and 6.
The 2-way con guration LHLHLH uses all three inputs; here, A can be routed to
outputs 1 and 2, B to outputs 3 and 4, and C to outputs 5 and 6. This application is
used for 3 x 2-way speaker systems or triple bi-amping (see chapter 6.3).
Fig. 4.2: Output con guration
Fig. 4.3: Setup In/Out
With the OUT STEREOLINK function you can determine whether processing
with EQs, limiter, etc. is e ective on the linked outputs, or whether the settings
for each output can be made independently. When this function is enabled (ON),
linking several outputs to each other, the display will show small connecting lines
between the individual outputs.