
Please use this mode on the  rst unit when several ULTRADRIVE PROs are linked
to each other via LINK A and B, and the  rst unit in the chain is connected to a
computer via the RS-232 interface. In this con guration, the last AND the  rst
unit in the chain must have their TERM switch ON, since both are integrated into
the system via only one LINK interface.
General rule: Whenever one device within a chain has been connected
to the system via only one LINK interface, its TERM switch must be
pressed (ON) to avoid data reflections and hence transmission errors.
In PC (RS-232) mode this switch is not needed because the LINK
interfaces are not used.
The parameter DELAY UNIT determines the units of both measurement and
temperature used for the delay settings in the corresponding menus. You can
choose between m / mm / C° and ft / in / F°. When you change from meters/
millimeters to feet/inch, the temperature will be changed automatically from
°Celsius to °Fahrenheit. These settings cannot be made independently of
The MUTE OUTS WHEN POWER ON function is used to protect connected
equipment such as power amps and loudspeakers. When it is on (YES),
alloutputs of the ULTRADRIVE PRO are muted during power-up. To restore the
output con guration of your presets, you will have to activate the respective
outputs individually or call up the preset again using RECALL (see chapter
4.7). UsingRECALL to switch from one preset to another automatically mutes
all outputs, as soon as a preset has a di erent output con guration.
However, if the output con gurations are the same, the muted outputs of the
new preset will beloaded.
When MUTE OUTS WHEN POWER ON is disabled (NO), the last output
con guration used will be recalled during power-up.
4.3 IN A/B/C menu
On these pages you can de ne the EQ, delay and similar values for the individual
input signals, and hence optimize the overall sound. Note that the DCX2496LE
does not have an INPUT C jack on the rear panel, or an IN C button on the
front panel.
4.3.1 GAIN
Press one of the buttons IN A, IN B or IN C to enter the INPUT menu of the
corresponding input. On the  rst page, you can adjust the input gain for the
signal (GAIN). The setting range is from -15 to +15 dB.
Fig. 4.31: In A Gain
Below this parameter you can see a graphic representation of the current IN-OUT
con guration (OUTPUT CONFIG). Additionally, the display shows whether or not
the input is used for the SUM signal (see chapter 4.4). This is just a message.
Youcannot edit anything here! OUT con gurations are shown on the
SETUP page 1/6. The input source selection for SUM and for the various OUTs is
determined on page 1 in the corresponding menus (SUM, OUT).
Fig. 4.32: In A Delay/Name
You can delay either the IN A, B or C signal to compensate for arrival time
di erences—resulting from o set stereo signals or so-called “delay lines”
(“delay towers”). Activate the function with DELAY (ON) and select the delay
time of your choice with DISTANCE/TIME. The values DISTANCE and TIME are
linked to each other, i.e. both values are edited simultaneously when you turn
the data wheel. IN A (B/C) NAME allows you to enter a name with a maximum of
8characters for the input signal selected.
4.3.3 EQ
Fig.4 .33: In A EQ
On this page you can process the sound of the input signals with the help of
various equalizer settings.
The EQ parameter determines whether this function is generally ON or OFF. Inthe
adjacent NR eld you can select the number of EQs. There are various  lters
available, which can be used and edited. Their number depends on the current
processor capacity, which is shown as a percentage next to the number of the
lter. The free capacity of the processor is directly dependent upon the number
and type of the  lter selected (e.g. >FREE: 33%).
Use TYPE to de ne the  lter type you wish to use. You can choose from low-pass
(LP), high-pass (HP) and band-pass (BP)  lters. Description:
The low-pass  lter raises (positive gain) or lowers (negative gain) the level
of the frequency band below the adjusted frequency. The high-pass  lter
raises (positive gain) or lowers (negative gain) the level of the frequency
band above the adjusted frequency. Use TYPE to set a slope of 6 or 12 dB/oct.
for the high-pass or low-pass  lter, or to determine the quality (Q) of the
band-pass  lter.
The band-pass  lter raises or lowers the level of the frequency range around
the adjusted frequency. The quality parameter Q determines the width of the
resulting bell-shaped  lter curve.
The FREQ parameter controls the cuto frequency, at which the  lter starts
working. In the case of the low-pass and high-pass  lters, the cuto frequency
is the point, at which low and/or high frequencies are processed. The entire
frequency spectrum ranges from 20 Hz to 20 kHz.
Use the GAIN parameter to de ne the degree of boost/cut applied to a speci c
frequency band. The setting range is from -15 to +15 dB.
When you set GAIN to 0 dB, the corresponding filter is inoperative!
This means that you cannot select a new type. Only when this
values is higher or lower than 0 dB, will the filter be activated,
and you can select a new filter type. Please note that two or more
filters are used for one frequency range when LINK is active.
Consequently, the processor performance will decrease.
With the Q parameter you can set both the quality of the band-bass  lter and
the amount of interaction with adjacent frequency ranges around the center
frequency. The higher this value, the lesser the in uence on neighboring
frequencies. This function is available only for the band-pass  lters; its range is
adjustible from 0.1 to 10.
The number of  lters available depend on the processing power (>FREE)
available. Filters can be allocated to either the inputs or outputs in any
proportion. The more  lters are activated, the lower the processing power and
vice versa.
As the DYNAMIC EQ is a highly complex module, its parameters are allocated to
two pages—the FILTER and the DYNAMICS parameters pages.
The DYNAMIC EQ in uences a speci c frequency range of the signal, depending
on the volume level. It can either boost or cut this frequency range, depending
on the gain setting made by the user. If the gain control is set to lower the
respective frequency range in level, and if a preset THRESHOLD is exceeded, the
EQ modi es the sound by reducing the gain of the frequency range. The amount
of gain reduction applied is de ned by the RATIO value. When the signal drops
below threshold again, the frequency range is “smoothed out” again, i.e. the
DYNAMIC EQ stops processing the signal.
When you de ne a certain boost with the GAIN control, the gain of the
frequency range is raised depending on the volume level. When the level of
the selected frequency range drops below a preset THRESHOLD, the range is
boosted by a certain amount (RATIO). As soon as the threshold is exceeded again,
the DYNAMIC EQ stops processing the signal.
Fig. 4.34: In A Dynamic EQ ( Filter)
The complete DYNAMIC EQ (FILTER) page corresponds to the EQ page in
terms of operation and to the parameters in terms of number and type.
Exception: Onlyone  lter is selectable.
On this page you can edit both the threshold and the operating mode of the
compressor and/or expander (volume-dependent sound processing).
Fig. 4.35: In A Dynamic EQ ( Dynamics)
The THRESHOLD parameter de nes a threshold, activating the  lter function
once that threshold is exceeded. If the  lter has been set to reduce the gain
on the DYNAMIC EQ (FILTER) page (GAIN < 0), this frequency range will be cut,
assoon as it exceeds the threshold.
However, if the  lter has been set to raise the gain (GAIN > 0), the frequency
range is boosted, as soon as its level drops below the threshold. The threshold
setting range is from -60 to 0 dB.
Next, you can use the RATIO parameter to de ne the amount of gain
boost/cut. RATIO adjusts the level balance between the input and output
signals. Available settings range from 1.1 : 1 (minimum boost/cut) to ∞ :
1 (maximum boost/cut).
ATTACK de nes how fast the DYNAMIC EQ reacts to signals exceeding or falling
below THRESHOLD, and can be set from
1 to 200 milliseconds.
RELEASE controls the recovery time needed by the EQ to stop processing the
signal, once it has exceeded or fallen below THRESHOLD (depends on the GAIN
setting). Available RELEASE times are from 20 to 4,000 milliseconds.
FREQ 1.00 kHz
+15 dB > continuous line
0 dB > broken line
-15 dB > dotted line
Q 0.1
RATIO ∞ : 1
Tab. 4.3: Band-pass settings with extreme values (results in  g. 4.36)
Positive gain >
gain boost
after dropping
below threshold
Negative gain >
gain reduction
after exceeding
-40 dBu
Fig. 4.36: Filter curves with gain above/below threshold
4.4 SUM menu
In addition to its inputs A-C, the ULTRADRIVE PRO DCX2496 provides an internal
source signal that can be composed of these three input signals. This SUM signal
can be edited at any time, much like any other input signal, so that you have
a maximum of four separate source signals available. The DCX2496LE only has
Fig. 4.37: Sum Input/Gain
In this menu, the parameter IN SELECT allows you to de ne a combination of
two inputs forming the SUM signal. Available options are: IN A + IN B, IN A +
IN C and IN B + IN C. Of course, you can also use just one input signal as your
SUM signal (IN A, IN B or IN C), by doubling one of the inputs. It is impossible,
however, to form a SUM signal composed of all input signals!
If no additional source signal is required, set IN SELECT to OFF. The current SUM
con guration is shown graphically below this parameter.
In the top left corner of the display you can use SUM INPUT Gains to adjust
the input signal of the inputs A-C. The signal controlled here is taken directly
from post-input converters—not post-EQ or post-Dynamics. Therefore, it is not
necessary to re-adjust the input gain. The SUM INPUT GAINS setting range is from
-15 to +15 dB.